Noah. My first born, first grader. He loves math just like dad and art just like mom. He is a great big brother to the twins. They adore him, copy him, fight with him, and laugh with him.
Noah will be 7 next month... they grow up so fast! In 10 yrs, I'll have to compare these pictures to his senior portraits.

This one... this is the smile that we love to see. Happiness.
and... the need for braces in the future apparently. He really does have bottom teeth under that overbite, and they are really cute, I swear!

and this one... usually means he is up to something, but he's so cute he'll get away with it!

And there you have it... my three sons in the first three posts for 2010. It was fun having portrait sessions with each of them, and I will make sure that it happens more often. I love that each of their personalities were captured in the photos. I'm a very lucky mama.
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